Yearbook 10, 1985 #
- Hazelnut grafting, G. Thomson
- Growing pecans, W. Reid
- Some nut-bearing plants in Papua New Guinea, E.E. Henty
- The cashew in Australia - tropical tree crop of the future, B.L. Toohill
- Research into pecans , D. Turner
- Tropical fruits for the Philippine Highlands, R.E. Coronel
- The mango - an industry for Western Australia, B.L. Toohill
- Symposium on the Physiology and Productivity of Subtropical and Tropical Tree Fruit
- Australian Proteaceae as food plants, B. Lamont
- Using nature and logic in tree crop introduction and breeding, D. Noel
- Blame it on Henry Ford - the story behind home-acre farming, D. Noel
- Collecting information about fruit and nut crops for Western Australia, D.W. Turner
- Book reviews
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